Cosmetic/Facial Acupuncture Perth - Tao Acupuncture Perth
Cosmetic acupuncture may be helpful with the management of wrinkles, fine lines and folds. With our cosmetic acupuncture treatment, our acupuncturist in Perth does not only do facial acupuncture, but also does body acupuncture to improve the whole body of blood conditioning, balance the body, and maintain overall health. Moreover, the needles used for facial acupuncture are not normal needles but designed for facial acupuncture.
The use of acupuncture for cosmetic purposes is thought to date back to the Tang Dynasty in China, when court ladies would use thin needles to stimulate specific points on the face to improve their complexion. In recent years, cosmetic acupuncture has become increasingly popular in the West as a safe and effective alternative to Botox and other cosmetic procedures.
A recent study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that cosmetic acupuncture can be an effective treatment for wrinkles, fine lines and folds. The study found that participants who received eight weeks of cosmetic acupuncture treatments had a significant reduction in wrinkles, fine lines and folds, and that the effects were long-lasting.
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture include:
- Increases blood and lymph flow to the face
- Hydrates the skin from the inside
- Helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkle depth
- Improves jowls and sagging skin
- Lifts sagging eyelids and brightens the eyes.
- Increases metabolism to reduce puffiness
- Increases suppleness, muscular tone, and dermal contraction
- Tightens pores and increases collagen production and distribution across the face.
- Enhances the color and complexion of the face, leaving the skin bright and radiant.
- Reduces stress and facial ageing that is visible.
- Reduces the tension in the face that can lead to forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and smile lines.
- Reduces acne by balancing hormones
- Rejuvenation of the entire body
To know more about Cosmetic/Facial Acupuncture Perth, click here —
If you are considering cosmetic acupuncture, be sure to consult with a licensed and certified acupuncturist to ensure you are getting the best possible treatment.
Contact our Acupuncture Practitioner in Perth right away to learn more about using cosmetic acupuncture in Perth. The variety of services and treatments available at Tao Acupuncture Clinic can help you tighten, lift, and brighten your skin and help your skin take on its most vivacious and young appearance.
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