How Acupuncture Works? — Tao Acupuncture Clinic
By placing small sterile acupuncture needles into precise acupuncture points along the body, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are a natural way to provide health assistance.
How Acupuncture Works?
Scientific testing has proven the existence of our body’s channels or ‘meridians’ and the individual points that have the least resistance to electrical or ‘chi’ flow. If there is obstruction in this system of channels, imbalance, pain and disease can occur. Activating specific individual points removes the obstruction and a healthy flow returns.
- Release Endorphins
- Balancing Neurotransmitters
- Regulates Immune System
- Improving Circulation
Acupuncture treated over 60 conditions according to World Health organization
How long are the acupuncture treatments?
Initial treatments are an hour. Subsequent sessions could be 30-minutes. However, this depends on what’s best for you and your body. 30-minute treatments are recommended when you only need a treatment on one side of your body (front or back). Both sides require one hour.
Is acupuncture the same as dry needling?
Acupuncture and dry needling use the same needles, but have distinctly different approaches. Dry needling only assists with musculoskeletal issues and focuses on the symptom. The needle is penetrated into the muscle, inactivating trigger points by causing localized hemorrhaging in the area of pain. Acupuncture focuses on both symptoms and underlying cause. The needle activates meridians in the body and treats many health conditions beyond pain relief.
Is acupuncture painful?
Acupuncture needles are 25–50 times thinner than a hypodermic needle. You may feel a dull ache or a tingling sensation at most. Some feel nothing at all. Most find our acupuncture treatments relaxing and enjoyable.
If you are living nearby Perth, and looking for Acupuncture Services, Visit Tao Acupuncture Clinic — One of the Best Acupuncture Clinic in Perth.
Through centuries-old techniques, we at Tao Acupuncture provide tried and tested methods of bringing healthy, safe and effective treatments to our patients.
We use gentle yet effective Japanese and Chinese acupuncture techniques — combined with practical health and nutritional advice — to help hasten your recovery.
First time patients of acupuncture will feel right at home as we guide you through the many steps, procedure and effects of acupuncture.
Book an appointment with Tao Acupuncture Clinic Perth today and discover the power of a natural, healthy and effective healing.
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