How Acupuncture Works? — Tao Acupuncture Clinic
By placing small sterile acupuncture needles into precise acupuncture points along the body, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are a natural way to provide health assistance. How Acupuncture Works? Scientific testing has proven the existence of our body’s channels or ‘meridians’ and the individual points that have the least resistance to electrical or ‘chi’ flow. If there is obstruction in this system of channels, imbalance, pain and disease can occur. Activating specific individual points removes the obstruction and a healthy flow returns. Release Endorphins Balancing Neurotransmitters Regulates Immune System Improving Circulation Acupuncture treated over 60 conditions according to World Health organization How long are the acupuncture treatments? Initial treatments are an hour. Subsequent sessions could be 30-minutes. However, this depends on what’s best for you and your body. 30-minute treatments are recommended when you only need a treatment on one side of your body (fr...